台加藝廊於1996年成立,從開始的每月兩檔個展或聯展,至近年的每個月滿檔,並已預約至2年後。台加藝廊展廳雖不大,但採光及設備完整,適合呈現多樣性藝術作品,多年來受邀展出有油畫、水墨書法、篆刻、雕塑、陶藝、竹雕、攝影等。台加藝廊不定期邀請知名藝術家參與展出,更提供孕育新秀的平台,讓不同背景、不同領域和不同年齡層的藝術家交流,同時鼓勵年輕藝術家發揮想像力創作新作品。每次的展覽藉著各種不同的畫風與素材的創作,帶給觀賞者豐富、多元的視覺饗宴。藝術家們藉由此而延伸創作的空間,架構與當地民眾之間的橋樑,加上媒體朋友的支持和報導,儼然成為藝術文化舞台的窗口。 歡迎有興趣在台加藝廊展出的藝術家跟我們聯絡。
The TCCS Art Gallery was established in 1996. By far, over hundreds of artists have exhibited their artworks. The exhibition hall is not large, but the equipment is complete. We showcase all forms of art by Taiwanese and local artists, including oil painting, calligraphy, sculpture, pottery, bamboo sculpting, and photographic exhibition, and more. In addition to a number of well-known artists who have exhibited wonderful artworks, the TCCS Art Gallery has nurtured countless beginners, and provides opportunities for different generations to interact with each other. Each exhibition brings a rich and diverse visual feast to the audience through the creation of various arts.
TCCS Art Gallery: 8853 Selkirk Street, Vancouver, BC Canada V6P 4J6
Opening Hours:Monday to Friday 9:30AM - 5:00PM
Copyright © 2025 Taiwanese Canadian Cultural Society - All Rights Reserved.
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